
Scandinavian Inspired Gift Wrapping Ideas

My favorite way to wrap Christmas presents is from a bit of Scandinavian inspiration.  I love using simple elements like evergreen clippings, old bells, dried fruits and more. I wanted to share a bit of what I like to do.

One of my favorite wrapping elements are these dried oranges. They're great for home décor too and can last years if stored correctly.

Dried Oranges

I love using a simple ball of white twine as well.  It adds just enough of the Scandinavian touch we're looking for.

White Twine

Something else I like to use is custom made gift tags or simple decorating tags.  I created some really cute ones that you can use too!

Custom Tags

I love using pieces of greenery.  Christmas tree clippings look so pretty on a Christmas gift. And they're being repurposed.


The last item I like to add is something whimsical.  I had some really cute metal bells that I thought would be fun to add.

Little Bells

There are so many different ways you can combine items to create something truly unique and true to your aesthetic. This certainly is mine.

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